Cancer is known medically as a malignant neoplasm. It is a large group of different diseases that involves unregulated cell growth.
How does cancer grow?
Normally the cause is that cells divide and grow uncontrollably, which forms a malignant tumor and invades the nearby body part. Cancer grows even faster because of our bloodstream, but not all tumors are cancerous.
Cancer will invade our body organs as quickly as they can if we keep doing our bad habits. Breast cancer, Lung cancer and Colon cancer are the most commonly encountered types of cancer.
Listed below are the most prevalent types of cancer and the ways to prevent it or best, to not get it at all.
Breast Cancer
We’ll start off at breast cancer, it’s the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. Studies show that 1 out of 8 women are identified as having breast cancer, not counting the fact that it can be inherited. If that’s the situation, it is our lifestyle we must control. You have to be open for changes to enable you to prevent breast cancer.
How to Lessen the Risk of Cancer
• STOP your midnight happy times – research has shown that women who drink alcoholic beverages sooner or later develop cancer.
• Not all QUITTERS never win – with regards to smoking, not all quitters never win. You can win your healthy life should you start or choose to quit smoking. I know it’s going to be quite difficult especially if it is a part of your daily habits. But if you think of the good side, you’ll be motivated.
• GET physical – as soon as we started studying, our teachers taught us to exercise. Each morning before classes start, everyone will be gathered and perform some stretching. Apply what you have learned in school. At least Thirty minutes of jogging or walking or biking can be quite a great help to burn excessive fats on our body. It will help you develop good breathing pattern.
Lung Cancer
It is also another common cancer after breast cancer. Anyone can get lung cancer, whether man or a woman. No one is exempted. This condition is hard to find early and even harder to treat.
How to Lessen the Risk of Cancer
• I SAID STOP SMOKING! – When you light up your cigarette, you have to think of this. You know that smoking is the number one risk factor why diseases occur. Most especially with lung cancer, studies shows that 87% of lung cancer patients were smokers. As soon as you quit, you will notice the benefit of a tobacco free body. Do it now and see for yourself.
• I know it’s irritating, but your mom told you to eat fruits and veggies – there are people in this world who really hates fruits and veggies. Your mom trained you to eat fruits and veggies as early as 1 year old. You being an adult should know the importance of these “irritating” foods. But this should help you for sure. It is more irritating to have lung cancer instead of eat healthy foods.
Colon Cancer
It’s also one of the most common type of cancer nowadays. But surprisingly, this one is easily the most preventable. This cancer actually appears when you are at your early 50’s.
So, what are the tips?
• Maintain a proper weight – studies prove that many people who are susceptible to colon cancer are obese men. It also shows that your extra fat in the waist area increases colon cancer risks.
• If you are in your 50’s schedule a colon screening appointment – colon cancer appears in your early 50’s. So a good way to prevent it is to get a colon cancer screening appointment at the earliest opportunity to check and confirm your condition.
• Consider genetic counseling – We know that cancer can be inherited and anyone can have it. But it is always best to check your family background.
There are risks that are unavoidable. But it is always best to decide to lead a healthy lifestyle. Quit whatever you have to quit and eat whatever is necessary. The only person that can help you overcome cancer is yourself. Do whatever you have to do steer clear of the things that can harm you. It is a personal choice. Build your way to a healthy lifestyle.