I find it extremely sad when a member of the House of Lords publicly states that people who are obese have no one to blame but themselves, and then calls…
No, that’s not a homonym faux-pa in the title; we meant it. We need some variety in Miami because face it; seldom will you ever hear the words “vegetarian” and…
The largest organ in the body are not your intestines, it’s your skin! The skin faces so much every day that it deserves more than just normal skin care. What…
Many people collect things: antiques, stamps or coins. Not unusual. Animal hoarders, sometimes known as “collectors”, are people who accumulate animals beyond their space, time, and financial ability to cope.…
E-commerce has unleashed a revolution and this thriving business is poised for robust growth in the years ahead. With 150 million Internet users, India now boasts of the 3rd largest…
This article is not a ‘Who Dun It’ so we will tell you the answer at the beginning… 1. Great Sun Protection 2. Great Skin Care Products 3. Exfoliation 4.…
Does Omega Cold Press 365 Juice Vegetables? Omega Cold Press 365 juices all types of fresh produce including vegetables both the hard and soft kind. For example, it handles beets,…
Human hair extensions are beautiful, soft strands slipping through your fingers like silk. You spend a lot of money on extensions to ensure that you get that perfect, gorgeous look…